安徽肥西人;2009年毕业于中国科学院动物研究所,生态学专业,获理学博士学位;2009-2012年在美国密歇根大学生态与进化生物学系做博士后研究;2012年2月至今为武汉大学生命科学学院教授。长期从事动物多样性与适应性演化研究,迄今以通讯作者身份在Nature Ecology & Evolution(2篇)、Science Advances、PNAS(3篇)、Molecular Biology and Evolution(6篇)、Molecular Ecology(2篇)等国际权威期刊发表过研究论文。2015年入选国家高层次人才计划青年项目。
In 2009, I received my PhD in ecology at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. From Sept. 2009 to Jan. 2012, I worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at University of Michigan, USA. In Feb. 2012, I joined College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University and started my lab as a Principal Investigator (professor of zoology and ecology).
EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY for undergraduate students;
ANIMAL BIOLOGY for undergraduate students;
MOLECULAR ECOLOGY for graduate students;
ADVANCED ECOLOGY for graduate students.
Research Overview
The theory of natural selection is the centerpiece of biology and also the key driving force of biological evolution. Our major research interests are to explore the molecular genetic mechanisms underlying the enormous diversity of animal behaviours and physiological functions, using the theory of natural selection as an explanatory framework.
(1) We decipher the evolutionary processes that have generated enormous diversity of form and behaviour well-known in nature, using bats as a model study group. Bats are mammals but possess many unique features distinctive from other mammals, such as powered flight, laryngeal echolocation, and strong immunity conferring greater capacity to co-exist with many deadly viruses. Meanwhile, bats exhibit enormous diversity in diet, behaviour, and morphological and physiological traits. We attempt to uncover molecular evolutionary history of all these traits by comparing bats with other mammals. In this line of research, we try to focus on bats, but we are open to study birds, reptiles, and other mammals in rare cases.
(2) We develop or test evolutionary hypotheses on the evolution of sensory systems across vertebrates within a phylogenetic framework. Humans and other mammals use the five traditional senses of taste, sight, smell, sound, and touch to perceive the world around us. Much of our current work is to discover molecular basis of functional evolution of sensory genes, using vertebrate taste receptor genes as a model study system. We use an interdisciplinary approach that includes molecular evolution, comparative genomics, population genetics, protein engineering, cell culture, and calcium mobilization assay. In this line of research, we are not limited to a particular group of animals, but we are most familiar with birds and mammals in general, and bats in particular.
1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32270436), 2023-2026;
2) 国家重点研发计划子课题(2023YFF1304800),2023-2026;
3) 国家重点研发计划子课题(2021YFF0702004),2021-2025;
4) 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金(31722051), 2018-2020;
5) 中组部高层次人才青年项目(210500002), 2018-2020;
6) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31672272), 2017-2020;
7) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31300313), 2014-2016;
8) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目(91331115), 2014-2016.
9) 湖北省杰出青年基金(2019CFA075),2019-2021.
10) 湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目(2023AFA015),2023-2026.
1) Tian S#, Si J#, Zhang L#, Zeng J, Zhang X, Huang C, Li G, Lei C, Zhou X, Geng R, Zhou P, Rossiter SJ*, and Zhao H* (2025). Comparative genomics provides insights into chromosomal evolution and immunological adaptation in horseshoe bats. Nature Ecology & Evolution. In press. DOI:10.1038/s41559-025-02638-2
2) Yan H#, Jiao H#, Liu Q, Zhang Z, Xiong Q, Wang BJ, Wang X, Guo M, Wang LF, Lan K*, Chen Y*, and Zhao H* (2021). ACE2 receptor usage reveals variation in susceptibility to SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 infection among bat species. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 5(5):600-608.
3) Tian S#, Zeng J#, Jiao H, Zhang D, Zhang L, Lei CQ, Rossiter SJ, and Zhao H* (2023). Comparative analyses of bat genomes identify distinct evolution of immunity in Old World fruit bats. Science Advances. 9(18):eadd0141.
4) Hao X, Jiao H, Zou D, Li Q, Yuan X, Liao W, Jiang P, and Zhao H* (2023). Evolution of bitter receptor genes and ontogenetic dietary shift in a frog. PNAS. 120(8):e2218183120.
5) Jiao H#, Xie HW#, Zhang L#, Zhuoma N, Jiang P, and Zhao H* (2021). Loss of sweet taste despite the conservation of sweet receptor genes in insectivorous bats. PNAS. 118(4):e2021516118.
6) Li Y#, Jiao H#, Sin SYW, Wang R, Rossiter SJ, and Zhao H* (2023). Common ancestors of bats were omnivorous suggested by resurrection of ancestral sweet receptors. Science Bulletin. 68(16):1748-1751.
7) Zeng J, Zhang X, Huang C, Tian S, and Zhao H* (2025). Dampened TLR2-mediated inflammatory signaling in bats. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 42(1):msae253.
8) Jiao H#, Wang Q#, Wang BJ, Li K, Lövy M, Nevo E, Li Q, Su W, Jiang P, and Zhao H* (2021). Local adaptation of bitter taste and ecological speciation in a wild mammal. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 38(10):4562-4572.
9) Zou D, Tian S, Zhang T, Zhuoma N, Wu G, Wang M, Dong L, Rossiter SJ, and Zhao H* (2021). Vulture genomes reveal molecular adaptations underlying obligate scavenging and low levels of genetic diversity. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 38(9):3649-3663.
10) Zhao H* (2020). COVID-19 drives new threat to bats in China. Science. 367(6485):1436. DOI: 10.1126/science.abb3088 (Letter)
11) Wang K, Tian S, Galindo-González J, Dávalos LM, Zhang Y, and Zhao H* (2020). Molecular adaptation and convergent evolution of frugivory in Old World and neotropical fruit bats. Molecular Ecology. 29(22):4366-4381.
12) Wang BJ, Xia JM, Wang Q, Yu JL, Song Z, and Zhao H* (2020). Diet and adaptive evolution of alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase mitochondrial targeting in birds. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 37(3):786-798.
13) Jiao H#, Zhang L#, Xie HW, Simmons NB, Liu H, and Zhao H*(2019).Trehalase gene as a molecular signature of dietary diversification in mammals. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 36:2171-2183.
14) Jiao H, Wang Y, Zhang L, Jiang P*, and Zhao H* (2018). Lineage-specific duplication and adaptive evolution of bitter taste receptor genes in bats. Molecular Ecology. 27:4475–4488.
15) Wu J#, Jiao H#, Simmons NB, Lu Q*, and Zhao H* (2018). Testing the sensory tradeoff hypothesis in New World bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 285:20181523. (Cover Story)
16) Zhang Y, Jiao Y, Jiao H, Zhao H*, and Zhu YX* (2017). Two-step functional innovation of the stem-cell factors WUS/WOX5 during plant evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 3:640-653.
17) Li K#, Hong W#, Jiao H, Wang GD, Rodriguez KA, Buffenstein R, Zhao Y, Nevo E*, and Zhao H* (2015). Sympatric speciation revealed by genome-wide divergence in the blind mole rat Spalax. PNAS. 112:11905-11910.
18) Zhao H, Li J, and Zhang J* (2015). Molecular evidence for the loss of three basic tastes in penguins. Current Biology. 25:R141-R142.
19) Hong W, and Zhao H* (2014). Vampire bats exhibit evolutionary reduction of bitter taste receptor genes common to other bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 281: 20141079.
20) Zhao H*, and Zhang J* (2012). Mismatches between feeding ecology and taste receptor evolution: An inconvenient truth. PNAS. 109:E1464. (Letter to Editor)
21) Zhao H, Xu D, Zhang S*, and Zhang J* (2011). Widespread losses of vomeronasal signal transduction in bats. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 28:7-12.
22) Zhao H, Zhou Y, Pinto CM, Charles-Dominique P, Galindo-Gonzalez J, Zhang S*, and Zhang J* (2010). Evolution of the sweet taste receptor gene Tas1r2 in bats. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27:2642-2650.
23) Zhao H, Yang JR, Xu H, and Zhang J* (2010). Pseudogenization of the umami taste receptor gene Tas1r1 in the giant panda coincided with its dietary switch to bamboo. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27:2669-2673.
24) Zhao H, Rossiter SJ*, Teeling EC*, Li C, Cotton JA, and Zhang S* (2009). The evolution of color vision in nocturnal mammals. PNAS. 106:8980-8985.