欢迎对植物与病原生物互作研究感兴趣的本科生、研究生(硕士、博士)、博士后加入实验室!/ Welcome undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs who interested in plant-microbe interactions to join us!
2003.09-2007.06 学士,华中农业大学,生命科学技术学院,国家生命科学与技术基地班/Huazhong Agricultural University, Bachelor's Degree;
2007.09-2009.06 硕士,华中农业大学,植物科学技术学院,作物遗传育种/ Huazhong Agricultural University, Master's Degree;
2009.09-2014.09 博士,上海交通大学,生命科学技术学院,发育生物学/ Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ph.D.
2014.12-2019.08 博士后,加州大学河滨分校,植物病理与微生物系/Department of Plant pathogen & Microbiology, University of California, Riverside, Postdoctoral Researcher;
2019.09-至今 教授,武汉大学,生命科学学院/College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Professor.
2024.08-至今 中国植物生理与分子生物学学会 理事/2024.08-present Chinese Society of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, Director;
2024.03-至今 湖北省植物生理与分子生物学学会 理事长/2024.03-present Hubei Society of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, Board Chairman;
2021.12-至今 湖北省植物学会 理事/2021.12-present Hubei Botanical Society, Director;
2023.03-至今 湖北省植物病理学会 理事/2023.03-present Hubei Plant Pathology Society, Director;
2023.03-至今 湖北省细胞外囊泡学会 理事/2023.03-present Hubei Extracellular Vesicle Society, Director.
We study the molecular mechanisms of plant immunity and pathogen virulence, focusing on the regulatory processes of cellular communication in the interaction between plants and pathogenic organisms. Our ultimate goal is to develop effective and environmentally friendly strategies to control plant diseases and ensure food safety.
1. 细胞外囊泡在植物-病原菌间细胞通讯中的作用。
The role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in cell-cell communication between plants and pathogens.
2. 非编码RNA在病原菌致病性和植物抗病免疫中的调控机制。
Regulatory mechanisms of non-coding RNAs in pathogen pathogenicity and plant immunity.
3. 外泌蛋白/小肽在病原菌致病性和植物抗病免疫中的作用。
Role of secreted proteins/peptides in pathogen pathogenicity and plant immunity.
杂交水稻全国重点实验室培育项目, 2022-2026

1. Yifan Huang, Wei Li, Tiangu Liu, Xiaoli Lin, Yanhui Xia, Wenjing Zhu, Hailing Jin, and Qiang Cai*. Rice extracellular vesicles send defense proteins into fungus Rhizoctonia solani to reduce disease. Developmental Cell, (2025), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2024.12.020
1. Rachael Hamby, Qiang Cai & Hailing Jin*. RNA communication between organisms inspires innovative eco-friendly strategies for disease control. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, (2024), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41580-024- 00807-y
2. Xuelian Zhang, Qiang Cai, Ling Li, Li Wang, Yun Hu, Xiaofei Chen, Dabing Zhang, Staffan Persson and Zheng Yuan. OsMADS6-OsMADS32 and REP1 control palea cellular heterogeneity and morphogenesis in rice. Developmental Cell, (2024), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2024.03.026
3. Shanshan Qin, Wei Li, Jiayue Zeng, Yifan Huang and Qiang Cai*. Rice tetraspanins express in specific domains of diverse tissues and regulate plant architecture and root growth. The Plant Journal, (2024), https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.16536
1. Shumei Wang, Baoye He, Huaitong Wu, Qiang Cai, Obed Ramı´rez-Sa´nchez, Cei Abreu-Goodger, Paul R.J. Birch and Hailing Jin*. Plant mRNAs move into a fungal pathogen via extracellular vesicles to reduce infection. Cell Host & Microbe, (2023), 32, 1-13
2. Baoye He, Huan Wang, Guosheng Liu, Angela Chen, Alejandra Calvo, Qiang Cai & Hailing Jin*. Fungal small RNAs ride in extracellular vesicles to enter plant cells through clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Nature Communications, (2023), 14,4843
3. Qiang Cai, Lida Halilovic, Ting Shi, Angela Chen, Baoye He, Huaitong Wu, Hailing Jin*. Extracellular vesicles: cross-organismal RNA trafficking in plants, microbes, and mammalian cells. Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids, (2023), 4:262-82.
4. Yu-Xin Chen and Qiang Cai*. Plant exosome-like nanovesicles and their role in the innovative delivery of RNA Therapeutics. Biomedicines, (2023), 11:1806.
5. Zhangying Wang, Jiayue Zeng, Jiliang Deng, Xiangjie Hou, Jiefu Zhang, Wei Yan and Qiang Cai*. Pathogen-derived extracellular vesicles: emerging mediators of plant-microbe interactions. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, (2023), 36, (4):218-227
6. Pablo A. Manavella*#, Micaela A. Godoy Herz#, Alberto R. Kornblihtt#, Reed Sorenson#, Leslie E. Sieburth#, Kentaro Nakaminami#, Motoaki Seki#, Yiliang Ding#, Qianwen Sun#, Hunseung Kang#, Federico D. Ariel#, Martin Crespi#, Axel J. Giudicatti#, Qiang Cai#, Hailing Jin#, Xiaoqi Feng#, Yijun Qi# and Craig S. Pikaard#. Beyond transcription: compelling open questions in plant RNA biology. The Plant Cell, (2023), 35: 1626-1653
1. Yu-Xin Chen#, Wei Li#, Hong Zeng, Gao Zhou and Qiang Cai*. Transcriptome analysis reveals the mechanism of dill seed essential oil against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Natural Product Communications, (2022), 17(8): 1-11.
2. Tian-Tian Liu, Lin-Jing Gou, Hong Zeng, Gao Zhou, Wan-Rong Dong, Yu Cui, Qiang Cai* and Yu-Xin Chen*. Inhibitory effect and mechanism of dill seed essential oil on Neofusicoccum parvum in Chinese chestnut, Separations, (2022), 9:296
1. Baoye He#, Qiang Cai#, Lulu Qiao, Chien-Yu Huang, Shumei Wang, Weili Miao, Tommy Ha, Yinsheng Wang and Hailing Jin*. RNA-binding proteins contribute to small RNA loading in plant extracellular vesicles. Nature Plants, (2021), 7(3):342-352
2. Qiang Cai, Baoye He, Shumei Wang, Stephen Fletcher, Dongdong Niu, Neena Mitter, Paul R. J. Birch, and Hailing Jin*. Message in a bubble: shuttling small RNAs and proteins between cells and interacting organism using extracellular vesicles. Annual Review of Plant Biology, (2021), 72: 497-524
3. Yifan Huang, Shumei Wang, Qiang Cai*, and Hailing Jin*. Effective methods for isolation and purification of extracellular vesicles from plants. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, (2021), 63(12): 2020-2030
4. Guosheng Liu, Guangren Kang, Shumei Wang, Yifan Huang, and Qiang Cai*. Extracellular vesicles: emerging players in plant defense against pathogens. Frontiers in Plant Science, (2021), 12: 757925
5. Fen Meng, Yonggang He, Jing Chen, Xia Long, He Wang, Menghao Zhu, Shaojia Liu, Qiang Cai, Zhihong Zhang*. Analysis of natural variation of the rice blast resistance gene Pike and identification of a novel allele Pikg. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, (2021), 296(4): 939-952
6. Dongdong Niu, Rachael Hamby, Jonatan Nino Sanchez, Qiang Cai, Qin Yan and Hailing Jin*. RNAs - a new frontier in crop protection. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, (2021), 70: 204-212
7. Qiang Cai, Baoye He, Arne Weiberg, Amy H. Buck, Hailing Jin*. Small RNAs and extracellular vesicles: New mechanisms of cross-species communication and innovative tools for disease control. PLoS Pathog, (2021),15(12): e1008090
8. Qiang Cai and Hailing Jin. Small RNA extraction and quantification of isolated fungal cells from plant tissue by the sequential protoplastation. Chapter 16, RNA Abundance Analysis: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, (2021), 2170, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
1. Qiang Cai, Baoye He, and Hailing Jin*. A safe ride in extracellular vesicles – small RNA trafficking between plant hosts and pathogens. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, (2019), 52:140-148
2. Qiang Cai, Lulu Qiao, Ming Wang, Baoye He, Feng-Mao Lin, Jared Palmquist, Hsien-Da Huang, and Hailing Jin*. Plants send small RNAs in extracellular vesicles to fungal pathogen to silence virulence genes. Science, (2018), 360, 1126-1129
3. Qiang Cai, Baoye He, Karl-Heinz Kogel, Hailing Jin*. Cross-kingdom RNA trafficking and environmental RNAi-nature's blueprint for modern crop protection strategies. Current Opinion in Microbiology, (2018), 46: 58-64
4. Huanhuan Wang#, Liang Zhang#, Qiang Cai#, Yun Hu, Zhenming Jin, Xiangxiang Zhao, Wei Fan, Qianming Huang, Zhijing Luo, Mingjiao Chen, Dabing Zhang and Zheng Yuan*. OsMADS32 interacts with PI-like proteins and regulates rice flower development. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, (2015), 57(5): 504-13.
5. Yun Hu, Wanqi Liang, Changsong Yin, Xuelian Yang, Baozhe Ping, Anxue Li, Ru Jia, Mingjiao Chen, Zhijing Luo, Qiang Cai, Xiangxiang Zhao, Dabing Zhang, Zheng Yuan*. Interactions of osmads1 with floral homeotic genes in rice flower development. Molecular Plant, (2015), 8(9): 1366-84
6. Qiang Cai#, Zheng Yuan#, Mingjiao Chen, Changsong Yin, Zhijing Luo, Xiangxiang Zhao, Wanqi Liang, Jianping Hu & Dabing Zhang*. (2014). Jasmonic acid regulates spikelet development in rice. Nature Communications, (2014), 19(5): 3476.