
发布时间 : 2015/04/01点击量:



导师:Xing-Zhen Chen, Professor of Physiology


研究方向/课题: 离子通道膜蛋白TRPP2,TRPP3的功能和调控的信号通路,及相关疾病的分子机理。研究手段及模型:分子生物学,细胞生物学,电生理,蛋白相互作用等; 培养细胞,斑马鱼,小鼠等。

望对研究方向感兴趣,具有相应的学业或研究基础 (硕士或学士学位),及较好的英语基础的年轻学者询问或报名。拟开始时间:2015年9月-12月。

联系人:唐景峰 博士, 手机158 7239 8415. CV请寄到Email: jingfeng@whu.edu.cn或xzchen@ualberta.ca

Recruiting PhD students

Dr. Xing-Zhen Chen is a tenured Professor in the Department of Physiology, University of Alberta, Canada. His research focuses on membrane proteins and molecular medicine (http://www.physiology.ualberta.ca/People/FacultyMembers/XingZhenChen.aspx). He is one of the 12 principal investigators of the Membrane Protein Disease Research Group (MPDRG) (http://www.mpdrg.med.ualberta.ca/group-members.php) and one of the 10 PIs of the International Research Training Group (IRTG) in Membrane Biology (http://www.membranetraining.ualberta.ca/).

Currently, Dr. Chen's laboratory is looking for two PhD students:Research directions:Molecular mechanisms underlying the function and regulation of TRPP2 and TRPP3 channel proteins.

Methodologyincludes, but not limited to, molecular and cell biology, electrophysiology, protein-protein/-RNA interaction, cultured cells, zebrafish, and mice.

Financial support:full stipend will be secured for at least two years. The student will be required to apply for external studentships.

Starting time:Sept 2015 – early 2016.

Minimum requirements:a recent MSc or BSc degree, or equivalent; a TOEFL score of no less than 93 or IELTS score of no less than 6.5 obtained within the past two years.

Those who are interested in applying please contact

Dr. Jingfeng Tang @ 158 7239 8415 or

Dr. XZ Chen @ 1 780 492 2294, and send a copy of CV to

jingfeng@whu.edu.cn or xzchen@ualberta.ca.

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