
发布时间 : 2015/10/27点击量:

Postdoc positions available in the Ai lab at UC Riverside:

Several postdoc positions are available in the Ai lab at UC Riverside (http://ailab.ucr.edu). The expertise of our lab is on protein engineering and fluorescent redox probes. Recently, our lab has explored new areas, including the biology and toxicology of oxidative stress, imaging of brain activities, and protein/peptide enzyme inhibitors. We are looking for postdoctoral fellows with the following expertise:

1.LC-MS/MS based proteomics. We have access to a most advanced Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid Mass Spectrometer ($1.5 M). We hope to expand our research program to profile protein modifications under oxidative stress.

2.Phage display. We hope to hire a postdoc fellow with expertise on phage display to develop protein/peptide-based therapeutic reagents.

3.Molecular neurobiology. We are building fluorescent sensors for neurotransmitters and other types of brain signaling. We hope to hire a postdoc fellow to expand the biological applications of these sensors.

The to-be-hired researchers are expected to be self-motivated. Please send your CV (education history and publication list), and contact information for three references, to huiwang.ai@ucr.edu. In addition, please indicate in the email your research interest, how it fits into our research program, and your expected career path.

Our lab also has multiple positions for graduate students. Please feel free to contact Dr. Ai before sending your application.

UCR, established in 1954, is one of the ten general campuses in the prestigious UC system. The 2015 Annual Academic Rankings of World Universities (Shanghai Jiao Tong) ranked the UCR Chemistry department 41st worldwide (25th in the U.S.) based on academic performance. The Nature Index, which is published by the Nature Publishing Group, ranks UCR Chemistry 30th in North America based on high-quality scientific publications. UCR has an excellent environment to conduct research!

大家好 我是生科院07级本科毕业生陈志杰 现就读于美国加州大学河滨分校。即将博士毕业之际 这边有导师刚拿到美国政府的大额资助 现委托我招生优秀的武大博士研究生和博士后。尤其是即将毕业的本科生和博士生 ,这将是他们一个不错的选择,非常高兴能为大家共享这些留学信息。

有兴趣可解更多情况的同学 可让其加我QQ 244790199 或微信ID zhijienice

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