Lysosomal ion channels in membrane trafficking, nutrient sensing and human diseases

发布时间 : 2016/12/27点击量:
报告题目: Lysosomal ion channels in membrane trafficking, nutrient sensing and human diseases

报告人:Xianping Dong, Ph.D., Associate Professor
    Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University,



Selected Recent Publications:
1. Zhong XZ, Sun X, Cao Q, Dong G, Schiffmann R, Dong XP. BK channel agonist represents a potential therapeutic approach for lysosomal storage diseases. Sci Rep. 2016 Sep 27;6:33684.
2. Zhong XZ, Cao Q, Sun X, Dong XP. Activation of lysosomal P2X4 by ATP transported into lysosomes via SLC17A9 using V-ATPase generated voltage gradient as the driving force. J Physiol. 2016; 594(15):4253-66.
3. Cao Q, Zhong XZ, Zou Y, Murrell-Lagnado R, Zhu MX, and Dong XP. Calcium release through P2X4 activates calmodulin to promote endolysosomal membrane fusion. J Cell Biol, 2015; 209(6):879-94. Highlighted in the 'In This Issue' section.
4. Cao Q*, Zhong XZ*, Zou Y, Zhang Z, Ligia T, Dong XP. BK Channels Alleviate Lysosomal Storage Diseases by Providing Positive Feedback Regulation of Lysosomal Ca2+ Release. Dev Cell, 2015; 33(4):427-41. (*equal contribution).
5. Cao Q, Zhao K, Zhong XZ, Zou Y, Yu H, Huang P, Xu TL, Dong XP. SLC17A9 Protein Functions as a Lysosomal ATP Transporter and Regulates Cell Viability. J Biol Chem, 2014; 289(33):23189-99.
6. Huang P, Zou Y, Zhong XZ, Cao Q, Zhao K, Zhu MX, Murrell-Lagnado R, Dong XP. P2X4 Forms Functional ATP-activated Cation Channels on Lysosomal Membranes Regulated by Luminal pH. J Biol Chem, 2014; 289(25):17658-67.
7. Zhong XZ, Dong XP. Lysosomal Electrophysiology. Methods Cell Biol, 2015; 126: 197-215 (Book Chapter).
8. Wang YZ, Zeng WZ, Xiao X, Huang Y, Song XL, Yu Z, Tang D, Dong XP, Zhu MX, Xu TL. Intracellular ASIC1a regulates mitochondrial permeability transition-dependent neuronal death. Cell Death Differ, 2013; 20(10):1359-69.
9. Wang X*, Zhang X*, Dong XP, Samie M, Li X, Cheng X, Goschka A, Shen D, Zhou Y, Harlow J, Zhu MX, Clapham DE, Ren D, Xu H. TPC Proteins Are Phosphoinositide- Activated Sodium-Selective Ion Channels in Endosomes and Lysosomes. Cell, 2012, 372-383 (*equal contribution).
10. Shen D, Wang X, Li X, Zhang X, Yao Z, Dibble S, Dong XP, Yu T, Lieberman AP, Showalter HD, Xu H. Lipid storage disorders block lysosomal trafficking by inhibiting a TRP channel and lysosomal calcium release. Nature Commun, 2012, 3:731.
11. Dong XP*, Shen D*, Wang X*, Dawson T, Li X, Zhang Q, Cheng X, Zhang Y, Weisman L, Delling M, and Xu H. PI(3,5)P2 controls intracellular membrane traffic by direct activation of mucolipin Ca2+ release channels in the endolysosome. Nature Commun, 2010, 1: 38 (*equal contribution).
12. Cheng X*, Jin J*, Hu L, Shen D, Dong XP, Samie MA, Knoff J, Eisinger B, Liu ML, Huang SM, Caterina MJ, Dempsey P, Michael LE, Dlugosz AA, Andrews NC, Clapham DE, Xu H. TRP channel regulates EGFR signaling in hair morphogenesis and skin barrier formation. Cell, 2010, 141: 1–13 (*equal contribution).
13. Dong XP, Wang X, Xu H. TRP channels in the intracellular membranes. J Neurochem, 2010, 113: 313-28 (Review).
14. Mills E, Dong XP, Wang F, Xu H. Mechanisms of Brain Iron Transport: Insight into Neurodegeneration and CNS Disorders. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 2: 51-64 (Review).
15. Dong XP*, Wang X*, Shen D*, Chen S, Liu M, Wand Y, Mills E, Cheng X, Delling M, Xu H. Activating mutations of the TRPML1 channel revealed by proline scanning mutagenesis. J Biol Chem, 2009, 284: 32040-52 (*equal contribution).
16. Dong XP, Cheng X, Mills E, Delling M, Wang F, Kurz T, Xu H. The type IV mucolipidosis-associated protein TRPML1 is an endolysosomal iron release channel. Nature, 2008, 455: 992-997.

Honors and Awards:
1. Institute of Aging's Special Recognition Awards, Institute of Aging-CIHR (2012)
2. CIHR New Investigator Salary Award (2012-2017)
3. NSHRF Research Enterprise Development Initiatives (REDI) Awards (2012)
4. DMRF New Investigator Awards (2011)
5. Presidential Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2002.
6. The 2nd Prize for Outstanding Academic Papers in the 3rd Session of Natural Sciences of Anhui Province, 2000.
7. Qiushi Graduate Student Scholarship, Qiushi Science & Technology Foundation, Hong Kong, 2000.

Grant Supports
1. Canada Foundation for Innovation-Infrastructure Operating Fund (2013.04.01-2018.03.31)
2. Institute of Aging's Special Recognition Awards, Institute of Aging-CIHR (2012.07.01-2013.03.31)
3. Canadian Institutes of Health Research-New Investigator Salary Award (2012.07.01-2017.06.30)
4. Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation-Equipment Grants (2012.01.01-2012.12.31)
5. Canadian Institutes of Health Research Operating Grant (2012.01.01-2017.03.31)
6. Canada Foundation for Innovation-Leaders Opportunity Fund (2012.08.01-2013.12.31)
7. Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation-Establishment Grants (2012.01.01-2014.12.31)
8. Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation-Research Enterprise Development Initiatives (REDI) Awards
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