时 间:2018年4月4日(周三)15:00
地 点:武汉大学樱顶老图书馆
主讲人:张明杰教授 中国科学院院士
题 目:Building artificial neuronal synapses for understand their structure and functions
张明杰,中国科学院院士,港科院创院院士。张明杰于复旦大学化学系本科毕业,在加拿大卡尔加里大学获博士学位。于1995年在香港科技大学组建实验室,现为香港科技大学嘉里理学教授,高等研究院资深学人。张明杰院士致力于神经信号传导及对细胞极性起调控作用的蛋白的结构功能的研究。其研究拓展了对神经发育及信号传导等基础生物学问题的理解,对于许多神经系统疾病(如神经系统紊乱疾病、遗传性耳聋及失明)的发病机理提供了重要的理论依据。张明杰院士在权威期刊发表过160篇高质量论文,其中包括多篇在《Cell》、《Science》等顶级期刊上发表,其研究在分子神经科学领域备受瞩目。多次接受表彰(2006年国家自然科学奖二等奖, 2011年何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖等),获聘中科院海外评审专家,担任多个国际刊物和学术组织的编辑、编委或理事,2011年被增选为中国科学院院士。张教授也是香港科学院创院院士。张明杰院士非常注重年轻一代科学家的成长,他培养的十多名学生或博士后已在世界各地拥有独立科研队伍。
Brief Introduction of Professor Mingjie Zhang
Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Founding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong.Prof. Mingjie Zhang obtained his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Fudan University, Shanghai in 1988, and his Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry in the University of Calgary, Canada in 1994. After a brief postdoctoral training in the Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Canada, he established his own laboratory as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 1995. Prof Zhang is currently a Kerry Holdings Professor of Science, Senior Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study, and Chair Professor in the Division of Life Science, HKUST.
Research in Prof. Zhang’s laboratory has been focusing on two areas in the past 20 years. The first area concerns the structural and biochemical basis of neuronal signaling complex organization by scaffold proteins. The second area is how neurons develop polarity during their development and maintain the polarity in their adulthood. Zhang’s lab has been approaching these two fundamental questions in neuroscience by a combination of structural biology, biochemistry, and cell biology approaches. They have published more than 160 research articles in the prestigious scientific journals including Science, Cell, Mol Cell, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Neuron, PNAS, EMBO J, etc. Prof. Zhang’s laboratory is recognized as a world-leading laboratory in the area of neuronal structural biology. Additionally, Prof. Zhang has won a number of awards (e.g. 2006 State Natural Science Award,2011 Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Prize for Scientific and technological Progress etc) for his excellence in scientific research. Prof. Zhang was elected as a member of Chinese Academy of Science in 2011. Prof. Zhang is a Founding member of the Academy of Science of Hong Kong. Prof. Zhang has been dedicating huge amount of his energy in training younger generation of scientists. More than a dozen of Ph.D. graduates and postdoctoral fellows trained in his lab have established their independent research groups around the world.